A Strategic Plan for European Astronomy: The ASTRONET Infrastructure Roadmap
A Study on Feature Selection Techniques in Educational Data Mining
A survey for hard spectrum Rosat sources
A Survey of User-Centric Data Warehouses: From Personalization to Recommendation
A Survey on Data Warehouse Evolution
A systematic search for short-term variability of EGRET sources
A Terabyte Analysis Machine for SDSS data
A Tight Upper Bound on the Number of Candidate Patterns
A Time Efficient Indexing Scheme for Complex Spatiotemporal Retrieval
A Trajectory UML profile For Modeling Trajectory Data: A Mobile Hospital Use Case
A Unified Approach to Ranking in Probabilistic Databases
A Unified Subspace Outlier Ensemble Framework for Outlier Detection in High Dimensional Spaces
A Uniform Fixpoint Approach to the Implementation of Inference Methods for Deductive Databases
A Unifying Framework to Characterize the Power of a Language to Express Relations
A Use-Case Driven Approach in Requirements Engineering : The Mammogrid Project
A Virtual Global Magnetic Observatory Network: VGMO.NET
A Visual Query Language for Complex-Value Databases
A Way to Understand Various Patterns of Data Mining Techniques for Selected Domains
A Widebinary Solar Companion as a Possible Origin of Sedna-like Objects
A XMM-Newton study of the Fe K band variability in the 22 brightest unabsorbed AGN