R light curve of DO Dra (Andronov+, 2008)
Radar Backscatter and Coherence Information Supporting High Quality Urban Mapping
Radial velocities of LMC RR Lyrae (Borissova+, 2006)
Radio Astronomy Working Group for SEAAN and RFI Survey in INSTUN, Perak
Radio Observation of August 11th, 1999 Partial Solar Eclipse at 406.7 MHz on Belgrade Astronomical Observatory
Radio Recombination Lines as Tools for Astronomers and Physicists
Radio Sources in RCS Galaxy Clusters
Radio to X-Ray distribution of BL Lac Objects (Giommi+, 1995)
Radio to X-ray Energy Distribution of samples of AGN
Ramp: Fast Frequent Itemset Mining with Efficient Bit-Vector Projection Technique
Randomization Resilient To Sensitive Reconstruction
Randomized Computations on Large Data Sets: Tight Lower Bounds
Rapid Application Evolution and Integration Through Document Metamorphosis
RAPTOR-scan: Identifying and Tracking Objects Through Thousands of Sky Images
RDBNorma: - A semi-automated tool for relational database schema normalization up to third normal form
RDFViewS: A Storage Tuning Wizard for RDF Applications
Real-time Transient Classification Pipeline
Real-time Transients from Palomar-QUEST Synoptic Sky Survey
Recent Astrophysical Applications of the Trojan Horse Method to Nuclear Astrophysics
Recent CMB Observations