IAGA global palaeomagnetic database.
IAU Meteor Database of photographic orbits version 2003
IBEX Ribbon from Outer Heliosheath Pick-up Ions
Identification and Characterization of Young, Nearby, Solar-type Stars
Identification of possible intense historical geomagnetic storms using combined sunspot and auroral observations from East Asia
Identification of Tidal Disruption Events by Pan-STARRS1
Identifications of IRAS 12 micron sources
Image simulations and galaxy fitting in GEMS and STAGES: GALFIT VS GIM2D
Impact of updates to the HITRAN spectroscopic database on the modeling of clear-sky infrared radiances
Impacts of Terrestrial and Astronautical Sociology on the Evolution of Spaceflight by Spacefaring Civilizations
Implementation team activities
Implementing Performance Competitive Logical Recovery
Impliance: A Next Generation Information Management Appliance
Improved COMPTEL maps of the milky way
Improved line parameters for the X1Σ+ (0-0) and (0-1) bands of HI.
Improved X-ray position for unidentified/unclassified INTEGRAL sources in the 4th IBIS survey
Improving Entity Resolution with Global Constraints
Improving Seek Time for Column Store Using MMH Algorithm
Improving the Functionality of UDDI Registries through Web Service Semantics
In Quest of Variable Stars With Near-Infrared Surveys