Data Acquisition and Database Management System for Samsung Superconductor Test Facility
Data and Metadata Standards: Lessons Learned From the Madrigal/Cedar Databases
Data Base Mappings and Monads: (Co)Induction
Data Base Mappings and Theory of Sketches
Data bases for diagnostic of high temperature astrophysical plasmas
Data Cleaning and Query Answering with Matching Dependencies and Matching Functions
Data Conflict Resolution Using Trust Mappings
Data Cube: A Relational Aggregation Operator Generalizing Group-By, Cross-Tab, and Sub-Totals
Data Discovery and Access via the Heliophysics Events Knowledgebase (HEK)
Data Management and Mining in Astrophysical Databases
Data Management for High-Throughput Genomics
Data management in systems biology I - Overview and bibliography
Data management in Systems biology II - Outlook towards the semantic web
Data Management: Past, Present, and Future
Data Mining : A prediction of performer or underperformer using classification
Data Mining and Electronic Health Records: Selecting Optimal Clinical Treatments in Practice
Data mining and knowledge discovery in database of astronomy
Data Mining for Actionable Knowledge: A Survey
Data Mining in Distributed Databases for Interacting Galaxies
Data Mining Large Astronomical Databases for Interacting Galaxies