Saada: A Generator of Astronomical Database
SAADA: An Automatic Archival System for Astronomical Data
Sailing the Information Ocean with Awareness of Currents: Discovery and Application of Source Dependence
SASE: Complex Event Processing over Streams
Satellite identification: object oriented tools for accurate maintenance of the catalog
SCADS: Scale-Independent Storage for Social Computing Applications
Scalability of Data Binding in ASP.NET Web Applications
Scalable Continual Top-k Keyword Search in Relational Databases
Scalable K-Means++
Scalable Probabilistic Databases with Factor Graphs and MCMC
Scalable Probabilistic Similarity Ranking in Uncertain Databases (Technical Report)
Scalable XML Collaborative Editing with Undo short paper
Scalable XSLT Evaluation
Scaling Exponents for Accretion
Scalings and Asymptotics of Coherent Vortices in Protoplanetary Disks
Scheduling for Robonet-1 homogenous telescope network
Schema-based Scheduling of Event Processors and Buffer Minimization for Queries on Structured Data Streams
Science Data Mining Resources for the National Virtual Observatory (NVO)
Science with the Armenian Virtual Observatory (ArVO)
SCIENCE WITH THE NEW GENERATION OF HIGH ENERGY GAMMA-RAY EXPERIMENTS: Proceedings of the 6th Edition: Bridging the Gap Between GeV and TeV