Secondary Indexing in One Dimension: Beyond B-trees and Bitmap Indexes
Secular light curves of comets, II: 133P/Elst Pizarro, an asteroidal belt comet
Secure Mining of Association Rules in Horizontally Distributed Databases
SEDs in ADFS (AKARI Deep Field South) (Malek+, 2010)
Seismology of the Universe-the inverse method in cosmology
Sélection simultanée d'index et de vues matérialisées
Selective association rule generation
Self-Consistent Data Quality Recovery - A Study of the DENIS Photometric Calibration Archive
Semantic description of signal and image databases
Semantic Information Retrieval from Distributed Heterogeneous Data Sources
Semantic Optimization of Preference Queries
Semantic Optimization Techniques for Preference Queries
Semantic Query Reformulation in Social PDMS
Semantically Correct Query Answers in the Presence of Null Values
Semantics and Complexity of SPARQL
Semantics and Evaluation of Top-k Queries in Probabilistic Databases
Semi-automated Search For Lyman-alpha And Other Emission Lines In The DEEP2 And DEEP3 Databases
Semi-Automatic Index Tuning: Keeping DBAs in the Loop
Sensitivity Analysis for Declarative Relational Query Languages with Ordinal Ranks
Separating Local and Cosmic Soft X-ray Emission in the Chandra Deep Field-South