Galactic synchrotron versus CMB polarized signal in the radiowavelength region
Galactocentric Orbits of Globular Clusters with Taking into Account the Flattering of the Dark Corona
Galaxies and Halos in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Galaxy Clusters to z <= 1 from the Oxford Dartmouth Thirty Degree Survey
Galaxy Pairs and Groups in the AGNs' Environments
Gamma ray bursts and supernovae: searches for positional and time coincidences and correlations in observed parameters
Gamma-ray burst spectra and the hardness-intensity correlation
Gamma-Ray Bursts as seen by the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope
Gamma-ray bursts: Searching for invariants
Gamma-ray large area space telescope (GLAST) project
Gas and Dust Environments of Young Stars in the Taurus Molecular Cloud: A Synthesis from the XMM-Newton and Spitzer Surveys
GAUDI: a data server for COROT's ground-based asteroseismology programme
GCN and VOEvent: A status report
General Discussion
Generating Exact- and Ranked Partially-Matched Answers to Questions in Advertisements
Geocenter angle distribution of the 4B catalog
Geodetic astronomy and modern astrometry developments
Geodetic VLBI European campaigns: schedule, observation correlation, analysis
Gestion efficace de séries temporelles en P2P: Application à l'analyse technique et l'étude des objets mobiles
Get the Most out of Your Sample: Optimal Unbiased Estimators using Partial Information