Dynamic Planar Point Location with Sub-Logarithmic Local Updates
Dynamic Range Selection in Linear Space
EASAL: Efficient Atlasing, Analysis and Search of Molecular Assembly Landscapes
Efficient Algorithmic Techniques for Several Multidimensional Geometric Data Management and Analysis Problems
Efficient computation of the branching structure of an algebraic curve
Efficient Spacetime Meshing with Nonlocal Cone Constraints
Embedding into the rectilinear plane in optimal O*(n^2)
Emerging Challenges in Computational Topology
Entropy, Triangulation, and Point Location in Planar Subdivisions
Enumerating Foldings and Unfoldings between Polygons and Polytopes
Eppstein's bound on intersecting triangles revisited
epsilon-Samples of Kernels
Epsilon-Unfolding Orthogonal Polyhedra
Erdős-Szekeres and Testing Weak epsilon-Nets are NP-hard in 3 dimensions - and what now?
Euclidean Shortest Paths in Simple Cube Curves at a Glance
Exact Join Detection for Convex Polyhedra and Other Numerical Abstractions
Exact Symbolic-Numeric Computation of Planar Algebraic Curves
Examples, Counterexamples, and Enumeration Results for Foldings and Unfoldings between Polygons and Polytopes
Existence of a polyhedron which does not have a non-overlapping pseudo-edge unfolding
Exploring Grid Polygons Online