Can we Compute the Similarity Between Surfaces?
Canonical polygon Queries on the plane: a New Approach
Carnival of Samplings: Nets, Approximations, Relative and Sensitive
Cauchy's Arm Lemma on a Growing Sphere
Cayley Configuration Spaces of 1-dof Tree-decomposable Linkages, Part II: Combinatorial Characterization of Complexity
Cayley Configuration Spaces of 1-dof Tree-decomposable Linkages, Part I: Structure and Extreme Points
Cellular Automata and Discrete Geometry
Certified Approximation of Parametric Space Curves with Cubic B-spline Curves
Certified Rational Parametric Approximation of Real Algebraic Space Curves with Local Generic Position Method
Chain-Based Representations for Solid and Physical Modeling
Characterization of Pentagons Determined by Two X-rays
Characterizing 1-Dof Henneberg-I graphs with efficient configuration spaces
Characterizing Graphs of Zonohedra
Characterizing graphs with convex and connected configuration spaces
Choosing Colors for Geometric Graphs via Color Space Embeddings
Circle and sphere blending with conformal geometric algebra
Circle Packing for Origami Design Is Hard
Circle separability queries in logarithmic time
Circular Separability of Polygons
Circular-Arc Cartograms