Largest Empty Circle Centered on a Query Line
Layered Depth-Normal Images: a Sparse Implicit Representation of Solid Models
Line Transversals of Convex Polyhedra in $\reals^3$
Linear Complexity Hexahedral Mesh Generation
Linear-Size Approximations to the Vietoris-Rips Filtration
Linear-Time Algorithms for Geometric Graphs with Sublinearly Many Edge Crossings
Local Routing in Graphs Embedded on Surfaces of Arbitrary Genus
Locality and Bounding-Box Quality of Two-Dimensional Space-Filling Curves
Localized Geometric Query Problems
Locating a service facility and a rapid transit line
Locked and Unlocked Chains of Planar Shapes
Locked and Unlocked Polygonal Chains in 3D
Locked and Unlocked Polygonal Chains in 3D
Lombardi Drawings of Graphs
Long non-crossing configurations in the plane
Long Proteins with Unique Optimal Foldings in the H-P Model
Lower bounds for Arrangement-based Range-Free Localization in Sensor Networks
Lower Bounds for Pinning Lines by Balls
Lower Bounds for the Complexity of the Voronoi Diagram of Polygonal Curves under the Discrete Frechet Distance
Lower bounds on Locality Sensitive Hashing