Random hyperplane search trees in high dimensions
Randomization yields simple O(n log star n) algorithms for difficult Omega(n) problems
Randomized Incremental Construction of Compressed Quadtrees
Randomly removing g handles at once
Ranking Unit Squares with Few Visibilities
Reachability by Paths of Bounded Curvature in a Convex Polygon
Reconfiguration of 3D Crystalline Robots Using O(log n) Parallel Moves
Reconstructing Curves from Points and Tangents
Recursive tilings and space-filling curves with little fragmentation
Reducing Interpolation on Multi-Dimensional Grid to Quantizing Grid's Data-Base as a Recursion
Regression Depth and Center Points
Relative $(p,ε)$-Approximations in Geometry
Relaxed Scheduling in Dynamic Skin Triangulation
Remarks on d-Dimensional TSP Optimal Tour Length Behaviour
Removing Local Extrema from Imprecise Terrains
Reverse nearest neighbor queries in fixed dimension
Reverse Nearest Neighbors Search in High Dimensions using Locality-Sensitive Hashing
Robust Geometric Spanners