Variational ansatz for quasispecies in the Eigen model
Variations in Substitution Rate in Human and Mouse Genomes
Variations in the magnitude of non mass dependent sulfur fractionation in the Archean atmosphere
Variations on a theme: Changes to electrophoretic separations that can make a difference
Variety of Organic Compounds Synthesized by Ocean Impacts on the Early Earth
Various ice ecosystems in alpine and polar regions - an overview
Vascular network remodeling via vessel cooption, regression and growth in tumors
VE-cadherin and claudin-5: it takes two to tango
Vector space of DNA genomic sequences on a Genetic Code Galois Field
Velocity oscillations in actin-based motility
Vendian cyanobacterial communities as a preservation factor of fossil eucaryotic algal remains
Veneers, rinds, and fracture fills: Relatively late alteration of sedimentary rocks at Meridiani Planum, Mars
Venus, Mars, and the Ices on Mercury and the Moon: Astrobiological Implications and Proposed Mission Designs
Vertical distribution and composition of phytoplankton under the influence of an upper mixed layer
Vertical wind shear on Jupiter from Cassini images
Viability and DNA damage of halobacteria under physical stress condition including a simulated Martian atmosphere
Viability and morphology of Halobacterium species following desiccation - implications for contaminants on Mars
Viable flux distribution in metabolic networks
Viable green algae and cyanobacteria within terrestrial permafrost
Viable halobacteria from Permo-Triassic salt deposits and the possibility of extraterrestrial microbial life