W(h)ither the Drake equation?
Waiting time models of cancer progression
Walks on SPR Neighborhoods
War of attrition with implicit time cost
Was Earth Ever Infected by Martian Biota? Clues from Radioresistant Bacteria
Was There a Late Archean Biospheric Explosion?
Watching Conformations of Biomolecules: a Microwave Spectroscopy Approach
Water and molecular chaperones act as weak links of protein folding networks: energy landscape and punctuated equilibrium changes point towards a game theory of proteins
Water at the Phoenix Landing Site
Water in B-type Asteroids
Water on Mars: anomaly of a water index (1042/953) on the surface of Mars in Arcadia Planitia (181 deg W, 37 deg N)
Water on Mars: global maps of H2O, HDO and D/H obtained with CRIRES at VLT and NIRSPEC at Keck II
Water Worlds, Naive physics, Intelligent Life, and Alien Minds
WatSen: searching for clues for water (and life) on Mars
Watson-Crick pairing, the Heisenberg group and Milnor invariants
Wave and quantum properties of peptide strings: defining a helix in spacetime
Wave->Diffusion Transition in Microtubules
Waveform sample method of excitable sensory neuron
Wavelet transforms for electroencephalographic spike and seizure detection
Waves of the Future (for Mars): In-Situ Mid-infrared, Near-infrared, and Visible Spectroscopic Analysis of Antarctic Cryptoendolithic Communities.