R3D-B, radiation risk radiometer-dosimeter on BIOPAN (FOTON) and EXPOSE on the International Space Station (ISS)
Radial and spiral stream formation in Proteus mirabilis
Radiation and particle exposure of the Martian paleoatmosphere: implications for the loss of water
Radiation chemistry approach to the study of ice analogs
Radiation Effects on the Surfaces of the Galilean Satellites
Radiation hazard from solar flares in terrestrial space. II - Method for determining the dose and the risk of exceeding the dose
Radiation safety aspects of commercial high-speed flight transportation
Radiation safety of space flights. Radiobiological aspects
Radiation-induced racemization and amplification of chirality: implications for comets and meteorites
Radiative Transfer of Solar Light in Dense Complex Media : Theoretical and Experimental Achievements by the Planetary Community
Radioastronomical aspects in the search for extrasolar planets
Radiogenic melting of primordial comet interiors
Radiolysis of ammonia-containing ices by heavy cosmic rays inside dense molecular clouds
Radiolytic Formation of Oxidants at Europa
Radiolytic H2 Source at a Radioactive Waste-contaminated Site in Tennessee
Radiolytic Hydrogen and Microbial Respiration in Subsurface Sediments
Radiometric performance results of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter's Lyman Alpha Mapping Project (LRO/LAMP) UV imaging spectrograph
Radiometric performance results of the New Horizons' ALICE UV imaging spectrograph
Radiotolerance of microorganisms isolated from radiation fields on a university campus: implications for shallow subsurface growth of microorganisms on Mars
RAId DbS: A Mass-Spectrometry Based Peptide Identification Web Server with Knowledge Integration