Node similarity within subgraphs of protein interaction networks
Noise and Correlations in a Spatial Population Model with Cyclic Competition
Noise and critical phenomena in biochemical signaling cycles at small molecule numbers
Noise and nonlinearities in high-throughput data
Noise Characteristics of Feed Forward Loops
Noise Characteristics of Molecular Oscillations in Simple Genetic Oscillatory Systems
Noise characteristics of the Escherichia coli rotary motor
Noise Correlation Induced Synchronization in a Mutualism Ecosystem
Noise driven unlimited population growth
Noise Effects in Nonlinear Biochemical Signaling
Noise enhanced persistence in a biochemical regulatory network with feedback control
Noise Filtering Strategies of Adaptive Signaling Networks: The Case of E. Coli Chemotaxis
Noise in ecosystems: a short review
Noise Propagation in Biological and Chemical Reaction Networks
Noise-assisted spike propagation in myelinated neurons
Noise-assisted tumor-immune cells interaction
Noise-driven oscillations in microbial population dynamics
Noise-driven transition to quasi-deterministic limit cycle dynamics in excitable systems
Noise-enhanced computation in a model of a cortical column
Noise-filtering features of transcription regulation in the yeast S. cerevisiae