Transcription factor search for a DNA promoter in a three-states model
Transcriptional Interactions During Smallpox Infection and Identification of Early Infection Biomarkers
Transcriptional pulsing and consequent stochasticity in gene expression
Transcriptional Regulation by the Numbers 1: Models
Transcriptional Regulation by the Numbers 2: Applications
Transcriptional regulation: Effects of promoter proximal pausing on speed, synchrony and reliability
Transduplication resulted in the incorporation of two protein-coding sequences into the Turmoil-1 transposable element of C. elegans
Transformation from spots to waves in a model of actin pattern formation
Transient and Equilibrium Synchronization in Complex Neuronal Networks
Transient dynamics around unstable periodic orbits in the generalized repressilator model
Transient fluctuation in stochastic catalytic networks
Transient Information Flow in a Network of Excitatory and Inhibitory Model Neurons: Role of Noise and Signal Autocorrelation
Transient pattern formation in a stochastic model of cancer growth
Transient Pulse Formation in Jasmonate Signaling Pathway
Transient Resetting: A Novel Mechanism for Synchrony and Its Biological Examples
Transient termination of synaptically sustained spiking by stochastic inputs in a pair of coupled Type 1 neurons
Transition from 12 to near-24 hours glucose circadian rhythm on relaxation of a hyperglycemic condition
Transition probabilities for general birth-death processes with applications in ecology, genetics, and evolution
Transition states in protein folding
Transition states in protein folding kinetics: Modeling Phi-values of small beta-sheet proteins