The role of mathematical modeling in VOC analysis using isoprene as a prototypic example
The role of mutation rate in a simple colonization model
The Role of Non-native Interactions in the Folding of Knotted Proteins
The Role of Opportunistic Punishment in the Evolution of Cooperation: An application of stochastic dynamics to public good game
The Role of Protein Electrostatics in Facilitating the Catalysis of DEAD-box Proteins
The role of sex separation in neutral speciation
The role of spatial averaging in the precision of gene expression patterns
The role of synaptic facilitation in coincidence spike detection
The role of transposable elements in the evolution of non-mammalian vertebrates and invertebrates
The role of vegetables trade network in global epidemics
The ruggedness of protein-protein energy landscape and the cutoff for 1/r^n potentials
The search kinetics of a target inside the cell nucleus
The self-assembly and evolution of homomeric protein complexes
The shade avoidance syndrome: a non-markovian stochastic growth model
The Shapley Value of Phylogenetic Trees
The Shared Reward Dilemma
The Shift-Match Number and String Matching Probabilities for Binary Sequences
The Sigma Profile: A Formal Tool to Study Organization and its Evolution at Multiple Scales
The silencing of neuronal activity by noise and the phenomenon of inverse stochastic resonance
The simplest model of spatially distributed population with reasonable migration of organisms