Spiky oscillations in NF-kB signalling
Spin glass models for a network of real neurons
Splitting trees with neutral Poissonian mutations I: Small families
Spontaneous contractility--mediated cortical flow generates cell migration in 3-dimensional environments
Spontaneous coordinated activity in cultured networks: Analysis of multiple ignition sites, primary circuits, burst phase delay distributions and functional structures
Spontaneous Emergence of Modularity in a Model of Evolving Individuals and in Real Networks
Spontaneous Emergence of Modularity in a Model of Evolving Individuals
Spontaneous emergence of spatial patterns ina a predator-prey model
Spontaneous flow transition in active polar gels
Spontaneous Mirror Symmetry Breaking in the Aldol Reaction and its Potential Relevance in Prebiotic Chemistry
Spontaneous natural selection in a model for spatially distributed interacting populations
Spontaneous polarization in eukaryotic gradient sensing: A mathematical model based on mutual inhibition of frontness and backness pathways
Spontaneous Reaction Silencing in Metabolic Optimization
Spontaneous Self-Assembly of Transcription Factor Based Gene Regulation Networks
Spread of infectious diseases through clustered populations
Spreading dynamics on small-world networks with connectivity fluctuations and correlations
Spreading of EGF Receptor Activity into EGF-free Regions and Molecular Therapies of Cancer
Spreading of families in cyclic predator-prey models
Spreading of infectious diseases on heterogeneous populations: multi-type network approach
Spreading speeds and traveling waves for a model of epidermal wound healing