Pattern Excitation-Based Processing: The Music of The Brain
Pattern formation in a predator-prey system characterized by a spatial scale of interaction
Pattern formation in a stochastic model of cancer growth
Pattern formation in auxin flux
Pattern formation of a predator-prey system with Ivlev-type functional response
Pattern Formation of Glioma Cells: Effects of Adhesion
Pattern formation through genetic drift at expanding population fronts
Pattern formation within Escherichia coli: diffusion, membrane attachment, and self-interaction of MinD molecules
Pattern overlapping decomposition by Cumulative Local Cross-Correlation
Pattern-based phylogenetic distance estimation and tree reconstruction
Patterns of subnet usage reveal distinct scales of regulation in the transcriptional regulatory network of Escherichia coli
Paul Alsberg (1883-1965) et le transfert adaptatif du biologique au technique : un précurseur de la "cultural niche construction" ?
PCA and K-Means decipher genome
Peeling and Sliding in Nucleosome Repositioning
Peptide size dependent active transport in the proteasome
Peptide strings clues to the genesis and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: rebuilding self-protective immunity amid fungal ruins
Perception and recognition in a neural network theory in which neurons exhibit hysteresis
Perception and the Evolution of Cooperation in a Diverse Population
Perception Lie Paradox: Mathematically Proved Uncertainty about Humans Perception Similarity
Perception of categories: from coding efficiency to reaction times