Probing Noise in Gene Expression and Protein Production
Probing subtle fluorescence dynamics in cellular proteins by streak camera based Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy
Probing the Effects of the Well-mixed Assumption on Viral Infection Dynamics
Probing the Mechanisms of Fibril Formation Using Lattice Models
Probing vibrational energy relaxation in proteins using normal modes
Processes of the correlation of space (lengths) and time (duration)in human perception
Profile Conditional Random Fields for Modeling Protein Families with Structural Information
Progress in the definition of a reference human mitochondrial proteome
Progressive Mauve: Multiple alignment of genomes with gene flux and rearrangement
Projecting Three-dimensional Protein Structure into a One-dimensional Character Code Utilizing the Automated Protein Structure Analysis Method
Projective geometry for human motion, with an application to injury risk
Prolonging assembly through dissociation:A self assembly paradigm in microtubules
Promotion of cooperation on networks? The myopic best response case
Proof of the Feldman-Karlin Conjecture on the Maximum Number of Equilibria in an Evolutionary System
Propagating left/right asymmetry in the zebrafish embryo: one-dimensional model
Propagation of Cascades in Complex Networks: From Supply Chains to Food Webs
Propagation of fluctuations in interaction networks governed by the law of mass action
Propagation of large concentration changes in reversible protein binding networks
Properties of Consensus Methods for Inferring Species Trees from Gene Trees
Properties of contact matrices induced by pairwise interactions in proteins