Correlations in the T Cell Response to Altered Peptide Ligands
Correlations of Amino Acids with Secondary Structure Types: Connection with Amino Acid Structure
Cortical columns for quick brains
Cortical Dynamics and Awareness State: An Interpretation of Observed Interstimulus Interval Dependence in Apparent Motion
Cortical Factor Feedback Model for Cellular Locomotion and Cytofission
Corticosterone selectively decreases humoral immunity in female eiders during incubation
Corticothalamic projections control synchronization in locally coupled bistable thalamic oscillators
Cosmic Far-IR Background Fluctuation Studies of the FLS
Cost and Capacity of Signaling in the Escherichia coli Protein Reaction Network
Coulomb Interaction as the Source of Muscle Force
Counting attractors in synchronously updated random Boolean networks
Counting chickens before they hatch: reciprocal consistency of calibration points for estimating divergence dates
Coupled dynamics of DNA-breathing and single-stranded DNA binding proteins
Coupled folding-binding versus docking: A lattice model study
Coupling biochemistry and mechanics in cell adhesion: a model for inhomogeneous stress fiber contraction
Coupling methods for efficient simulation of spatial population dynamics
Covalent bond symmetry breaking and protein secondary structure
Coverage statistics for sequence census methods
Coverage, Continuity and Visual Cortical Architecture
Coveting thy neighbors fitness as a means to resolve social dilemmas