Collective evolution and the genetic code
Collective Langevin Dynamics of Flexible Cytoskeletal Fibers
Collective mechanics of embryogenesis: Formation of ventral furrow in Drosophila
Collective oscillations of excitable elements: order parameters, bistability and the role of stochasticity
Collective stability of networks of winner-take-all circuits
Collective synchronization in populations of globally coupled phase oscillators with drifting frequencies
Collinear features impair visual detection by rats
Colloidal particle motion as a diagnostic of DNA conformational transitions
COLoR - Coordinated On-Line Rankers for Network Reconstruction
Colored extrinsic fluctuations and stochastic gene expression
Colored motifs reveal computational building blocks in the C. elegans brain
Columnar electromagnetic influences on short-term memory at multiple scales
Combinatorial coding in neural populations
Combinatorial complexity and dynamical restriction of network flows in signal transduction
Combinatorial on/off Model for Olfactory Coding
Combinatorial rules of icosahedral capsid growth
Combined effect of successive competition periods on population dynamics
Combined Sum of Squares Penalties for Molecular Divergence Time Estimation
Combining chromosomal arm status and significantly aberrant genomic locations reveals new cancer subtypes
Combining Laser Spectroscopy and Mass Spectrometry for Conformation-Specific Studies of Gas-Phase Biomolecules