Breakdown of thermodynamic equilibrium for DNA hybridization in microarrays
Breaking records in the evolutionary race
Breaking the VE-cadherin bonds
Breathing dynamics in heteropolymer DNA
Bridging the gap between the micro- and the macro-world of tumors
Bridging Time Scales in Cellular Decision Making with a Stochastic Bistable Switch
Brines in Seepage Channels as Eluants for Subsurface Relict Biomolecules on Mars?
Broken chaotic clocks of brain neurons and depression
Brownian Dynamics Simulation of Nucleosome Formation and Disruption under Stretching
Brush Effects on DNA Chips: Thermodynamics, Kinetics and Design Guidlines
Bubble Gating Currents in Ionic Channels
Bubble statistics and positioning in superhelically stressed DNA
Budded membrane microdomains as regulators for cellular tension
Built to evolve
Burst firing is a neural code in an insect auditory system
Bursts generate a non-reducible spike pattern code