Comparison of objective functions for estimating linear-nonlinear models
Comparison of two models of electric neuro-stimulation and consequences for the design of retinal prostheses
Competition between synaptic depression and facilitation in attractor neural networks
Competition through selective inhibitory synchrony
Complete structure of topographic maps in ephrin-A deficient mice
Complex sequencing rules of birdsong can be explained by simple hidden Markov processes
Computation of Object Approach by a Biophysical Model of a Wide-Field Visual Neuron: Dynamics, Peaks, and Fits
Computational modeling of neuronal networks
Computational Models of Adult Neurogenesis
Computer Model of a "Sense of Humour". I. General Algorithm
Computer Model of a "Sense of Humour". II. Realization in Neural Networks
Concurrent encoding of frequency and amplitude modulation in human auditory cortex: MEG evidence
Conditional probability based significance tests for sequential patterns in multi-neuronal spike trains
Conductance versus current noise in a neuronal model for noisy subthreshold oscillations and related spike generation
Connectivity and Dynamics of Neuronal Networks as Defined by the Shape of Individual Neurons
Consciousness and the structuring property of typical data
Consciousness Viewed in the Framework of Brain Phase Space Dynamics, Criticality, and the Renormalization Group
Consciousness, cognition, and context: extending the global neuronal workspace model
Conservation rules, their breakdown, and optimality in Caenorhabditis sinusoidal locomotion
Constraint satisfaction problems and neural networks: a statistical physics perspective