Decorrelation by recurrent inhibition in heterogeneous neural circuits
Decorrelation of neural-network activity by inhibitory feedback
Degree distributions in mesoscopic and macroscopic functional brain networks
Delay-induced multiple stochastic resonances on scale-free neuronal networks
Delayed feedback causes non-Markovian behavior of neuronal firing statistics
Density-dependence of functional development in spiking cortical networks grown in vitro
Depressive patients are more impulsive and inconsistent in intertemporal choice behavior for monetary gain and loss than healthy subjects- an analysis based on Tsallis' statistics
Designing Complex Networks
Designing the Dynamics of Spiking Neural Networks
Desynchronizing effect of high-frequency stimulation in a generic cortical network model
Detection of subthreshold pulses in neurons with channel noise
Deterministic excitable media under Poisson drive: power law responses, spiral waves and dynamic range
Different ocular dominance map formation by influence of orientation columns in visual cortices
Differential postural effects of plantar-flexor muscles fatigue under normal, altered and improved vestibular and neck somatosensory conditions
Diffusion Entropy Approach to Dynamical Characteristics of a Hodgkin-Huxley Neuron
Discovering Functional Communities in Dynamical Networks
Dissipation and spontaneous symmetry breaking in brain dynamics
Diversity of Intrinsic Frequency Encoding Patterns in Rat Cortical Neurons -Mechanisms and Possible Functions
Do reductionist cures select for holistic diseases? Adaptive chronic infection, structured stress, and medical magic bullets
Do we understand the emergent dynamics of grid cell activity?