Natural Image Coding in V1: How Much Use is Orientation Selectivity?
Natural images from the birthplace of the human eye
Nearly extensive sequential memory lifetime achieved by coupled nonlinear neurons
Neocortical Dynamics at Multiple Scales: EEG Standing Waves, Statistical Mechanics, and Physical Analogs
Network algorithmics and the emergence of information integration in cortical models
Network algorithmics and the emergence of synchronization in cortical models
Network algorithmics and the emergence of the cortical synaptic-weight distribution
Network structure determines patterns of network reorganization during adult neurogenesis
Network Topology influences Synchronization and Intrinsic Read-out
Neural coding of a natural stimulus ensemble: Uncovering information at sub-millisecond resolution
Neural Decision Boundaries for Maximal Information Transmission
Neural Graphs and Category of Memory States
Neural integrator - a sandpile model
Neural integrators for decision making: A favorable tradeoff between robustness and sensitivity
Neural network model with discrete and continuous information representation
Neural Population Coding is Optimized by Discrete Tuning Curves
Neuroeconomics of suicide
Neurogenesis Drives Stimulus Decorrelation in a Model of the Olfactory Bulb
Neurokinematic Modeling of Complex Swimming Patterns of the Larval Zebrafish
Neuronal avalanches imply maximum dynamic range in cortical networks at criticality