Gender differences in time perception and its relation with academic performance: non-linear dynamics in the formation of cognitive systems
General representation of collective neural dynamics with columnar modularity
Generalised elastic nets
Generalization of the event-based Carnevale-Hines integration scheme for integrate-and-fire models
Generalized Functions & Experimental Methods of Obtaining Statistical Variable-Quantities Which Fully Determine Preferences in Choice-Rich Environments
Gibbs distribution analysis of temporal correlations structure in retina ganglion cells
Glial activation in white matter following ischemia in the neonatal P7 rat brain
Global and regional brain metabolic scaling and its functional consequences
Glutamate regulation of calcium and IP3 oscillating and pulsating dynamics in astrocytes
Graded persisting activity of heterogeneous neuron ensembles subject to white noises
Gradient learning in spiking neural networks by dynamic perturbation of conductances
Gradient Representations and the Perception of Luminosity
Grandmother cells and the storage capacity of the human brain
Granger causality and the inverse Ising problem
Grid Alignment in Entorhinal Cortex
Grounded Symbols in the Brain Computational Foundations for Perceptual Symbol System
Grouping time series by pairwise measures of redundancy
Growth-Driven Percolations: The Dynamics of Community Formation in Neuronal Systems