ATP Hysteresis in Tripartite Synapses
Attentional modulation in layer 4 of the visual cortex could be mediated by interneurons with complex receptive field characteristics
Attentional modulation of firing rate and synchrony in a model cortical network
Auto and crosscorrelograms for the spike response of LIF neurons with slow synapses
Autoassociative Memory Retrieval and Spontaneous Activity Bumps in Small-World Networks of Integrate-and-Fire Neurons
Automated Seizure Detection: Unrecognized Challenges, Unexpected Insights
Avalanche analysis from multi-electrode ensemble recordings in cat, monkey and human cerebral cortex during wakefulness and sleep
Backpropagation training in adaptive quantum networks
Bayesian Inference Applied to the Electromagnetic Inverse Problem
Bayesian Inference of Whole-Brain Networks
Beauty and Art. Cognitive Function, Evolution, and Mathematical Models of the Mind
Behavioral response to strong aversive stimuli: A neurodynamical model
BEM-based SMS-LORETA - an advanced method to localize multiple simultaneously active sources in the cerebral cortex
Biological nonlocality and the mind-brain interaction problem: comments on a new empirical approach
Biologically-Inspired Electronics with Memory Circuit Elements
Biomimetic Space-Variant Sampling in a Vision Prosthesis Improves the User's Skill in a Localization Task
Brain architecture: A design for natural computation
Brain neurons as quantum computers: {\it in vivo} support of background physics
Brain, Music and non-Poisson Renewal Processes
Broken chaotic clocks of brain neurons and depression