A model of dissociated cortical tissue
A Model of Late Long-Term Potentiation Simulates Aspects of Memory Maintenance
A model of the emergence and evolution of integrated worldviews
A Model of the Roles of Essential Kinases in the Induction and Expression of Late Long-Term Potentiation
A modified cable formalism for modeling neuronal membranes at high frequencies
A multi-etiology model of systemic degeneration in schizophrenia
A multivariate phase distribution and its estimation
A neuroeconomic theory of bidirectional synaptic plasticity and addiction
A new stimulus approach in the search for biological nonlocality
A novel method for determining the phase-response curves of neurons based on minimizing spike-time prediction error
A physical model of nicotinic ACh receptor kinetics
A point process framework for modeling electrical stimulation of the auditory nerve
A proposal for a coordinated effort for the determination of brainwide neuroanatomical connectivity in model organisms at a mesoscopic scale
A ratchet mechanism for amplification in low-frequency mammalian hearing
A showcase of torus canards in neuronal bursters
A simple rule for axon outgrowth and synaptic competition generates realistic connection lengths and filling fractions
A simple spontaneously active Hebbian learning model: homeostasis of activity and connectivity, and consequences for learning and epileptogenesis
A sparse coding model with synaptically local plasticity and spiking neurons can account for the diverse shapes of V1 simple cell receptive fields
A structural and a functional aspect of stable information processing by the brain
A structural model of emotions of cognitive dissonances