Ultraconserved Sequences in the Honeybee Genome - Are GC-rich Regions Preferred?
Ultrafast coelectrophoretic fluorescent staining of proteins with carbocyanines
Understanding Distal Transcriptional Regulation from Sequence Motif, Network Inference and Interactome Perspectives
Understanding Transcriptional Regulation Using De-novo Sequence Motif Discovery, Network Inference and Interactome Data
Units of genetic transfer in prokaryotes
Universal 1/f noise, cross-overs of scaling exponents, and chromosome specific patterns of GC content in DNA sequences of the human genome
Universal Features in the Genome-level Evolution of Protein Domains
Universal power law behaviors in genomic sequences and evolutionary models
Universality of Long-Range Correlations in Expansion-Randomization Systems
Use of high throughput sequencing to observe genome dynamics at a single cell level
Variations in Substitution Rate in Human and Mouse Genomes
Variations on a theme: Changes to electrophoretic separations that can make a difference
Vector space of DNA genomic sequences on a Genetic Code Galois Field
Weighted genomic distance can hardly impose a bound on the proportion of transpositions
Weighted-Codon-Usage Based Phylogeny In Ectocarpales
What can we learn from noncoding regions of similarity between genomes?
Zinc adaptation and resistance to cadmium toxicity in mammalian cells. Molecular insight by proteomic analysis