Evidence Of Protein Collective Motions On The Picosecond Time Scale
Evolution of the genetic code. Emergence of DNA
Evolution of the genetic code. From the CG- to the CGUA-alphabet, from RNA double helix to DNA
Evolution of the genetic code. Why are there strong and weak letter doublets? The first gene, the first protein. Early (ancient) biosynthesis of protein
Evolutionary Analysis of Biological Excitability
Exact Sequence Analysis for Three-Dimensional HP Lattice Proteins
Examination of H_2CO--X^+ and NH_2CH_2COOH--X^+ Complexes [X^+ = Li^+, Na^+, K^+] Using Electronic Structure Theory
Excluded volume effects on semiflexible ring polymers
Excluded-Volume Effects in Tethered-Particle Experiments: Bead Size Matters
Existence of periodic solutions for enzyme-catalysed reactions with periodic substrate input
Exons, introns and DNA thermodynamics
Expanding the Temporal Analysis in Single-Molecule Switching Experiments Through the Auto-Correlation Function: Mathematical Framework
Exploring Solvent Shape and Function Using - and Isomer-Selective Vibrational Spectroscopy
Exploring the energy landscape of biopolymers using single molecule force spectroscopy and molecular simulations
Exploring the Energy Landscapes of Protein Folding Simulations with Bayesian Computation
Exploring the Free Energy Landscape: From Dynamics to Networks and Back
Exploring the Protein G Helix Free Energy Surface by Solute Tempering Metadynamics
Fast DNA translocation through a solid-state nanopore
Fast tidal cycling and the origin of life
Fatgraph Models of Proteins