The twenty-four near-instabilities of Caspar-Klug viruses
The Worm-Like Chain Theory And Bending Of Short DNA
Theoretical Studies of Structure-Function Relationships in Kv Channels: Electrostatics of the Voltage Sensor
Thermal Adaptation in Viruses and Bacteria
Thermal denaturation and folding rates of single domain proteins: size matters
Thermal effects in stretching of Go-like models of titin and secondary structures
Thermal unfolding of proteins
Thermodynamic and structural consensus principle predicts mature miRNA location and structure, categorizes conserved interspecies miRNA subgroups, and hints new possible mechanisms of miRNA maturization
Thermodynamic behavior of short oligonucleotides in microarray hybridizations can be described using Gibbs free energy in a nearest-neighbor model
Thermodynamic Prediction of Protein Neutrality
Thermodynamics of aggregation of two proteins
Thermodynamics of alpha- and beta-structure formation in proteins
Thermodynamics of beta-amyloid fibril formation
Thermodynamics of RNA/DNA hybridization in high density oligonucleotide microarrays
Thermodynamics of strecker synthesis in hydrothermal systems
Thermodynamics of the Hairpin Ribozyme from All-Atom Simulations
Thermodynamics of Twisted DNA with Solvent Interaction
Tightening of knots in proteins
Time-dependent perturbation theory for vibrational energy relaxation and dephasing in peptides and proteins
Titan's Primordial Soup: Formation of Amino Acids via Low Temperature Hydrolysis of Tholins