Enumeration of RNA structures by Matrix Models
Enzyme as a thermal resonance pump
Epitope analysis for influenza vaccine design
Equilibrium Blocking Model of Isometric Tension
Equilibrium properties of realistic random heteropolymers and their relevance for globular and naturally unfolded proteins
Equilibrium Sampling in Biomolecular Simulation
ESPSim: A JAVA Application for Calculating Electrostatic Potential Map Similarity Scores
Estimation of Amino Acid Residue Substitution Rates at Local Spatial Regions and Application in Protein Function Inference: A Bayesian Monte Carlo Approach
Estimation of protein folding probability from equilibrium simulations
European activities in exobiology in earth orbit: results and perspectives
Evaluating force field accuracy with long-time simulations of a tryptophan zipper peptide
Evaluation of Competing J domain:Hsp70 Complex Models in Light of Existing Mutational and NMR Data
Evaluation of Raman spectroscopy for the trace analysis of biomolecules for Mars exobiology
Evaluation of the Structural disorder of the protein FMR1 with Carbon Composition
Evidence for zinc ion sharing in metallothionein dimers provided by collision-induced dissociation
Evidence Of Protein Collective Motions On The Picosecond Time Scale
Evolution of the genetic code. Emergence of DNA
Evolution of the genetic code. From the CG- to the CGUA-alphabet, from RNA double helix to DNA
Evolution of the genetic code. Why are there strong and weak letter doublets? The first gene, the first protein. Early (ancient) biosynthesis of protein
Evolutionary Analysis of Biological Excitability