Dominant folding pathways of a peptide chain, from ab-initio quantum-mechanical simulations
Dominant Folding Pathways of a WW Domain
Dominant Pathways in Protein Folding
Downhill versus two-state protein folding in a statistical mechanical model
Dwell time symmetry in random walks and molecular motors
Dynamic cluster-scaling in DNA
Dynamic force spectroscopy on multiple bonds: experiments and model
Dynamic Pathways for Viral Capsid Assembly
Dynamical Implications of Viral Tiling Theory
Dynamical modelling of molecular constructions and setups for DNA unzipping
Dynamics of allosteric transitions in GroEL
Dynamics of an inchworm nano-walker
Dynamics of DNA Bubble in Viscous Medium
Dynamics of DNA Ejection From Bacteriophage
Dynamics of force-induced DNA slippage
Dynamics of heterodimeric kinesins and cooperation of kinesins
Dynamics of icosahedral viruses: what does Viral Tiling Theory teach us?
Dynamics of protein-protein encounter: a Langevin equation approach with reaction patches
Dynamics of RNA Translocation through a Nanopore
Dynamics of Semiflexible Polymers in a Flow Field