W3 - The birth of an O-star association
W3 IRS 5: A Trapezium in its Making
W3 North - Far-infrared and radio molecular observations
W3(OH): Accurate Relative Positions of Water-Vapor Emission Features
W3/OH/ - A 'runaway' compact object
W30 revealed - Separation and analysis of thermal and nonthermal emission in a Galactic complex
W30 Revealed: Improved Estimates of Physical Properties of the W30 Thermal and Nonthermal Components from 90 cm VLA Observations
W3: A study of a site of massive star formation. 1: Continuum and C(18)O observations and comparison as mass tracers
W4 revisited: a chimney candidate in the Milky Way galaxy explored using radio continuum and polarization observations. (thesis abstract).
W43: the closest molecular complex of the Galactic Bar?
W44: A Buoyant Supernova Remnant
W49 A north: J = 2-1 lines of CS and C18O.
W49A North - Global or Local or No Collapse?
W49A: A starburst triggered by expanding shells
W49N from 3.6 cm to 3 mm: Ionized Winds on 600 AU Scales?
W49N water maser - Spectral atlas of time variability during 1981-85
W50 - A stellar-wind bubble in a three-phase interstellar medium?
W50 and SS 433
W50 and SS 433