Type Ia Supernova Spectral Line Ratios as Luminosity Indicators
Type Ia Supernova Spectral Line Ratios as Luminosity Indicators: "From Phenomenology to Radiative Transfer and Back Again"
Type Ia Supernova: Burning and Detonation in the Distributed Regime
Type Ia Supernova: Calculations of Turbulent Flames Using the Linear Eddy Model
Type Ia Supernovae
Type Ia supernovae & cosmic acceleration
Type IA supernovae - Gamma-rays as predicted by delayed detonation models and SN1991T
Type IA supernovae - Theoretical light curves for SN1972E and SN1981B
Type Ia Supernovae and Accretion Induced Collapse
Type IA supernovae and cosmic peculiar velocities
Type Ia Supernovae and Cosmology
Type Ia Supernovae and High Velocity White Dwarfs
Type Ia Supernovae and Host Galaxy Extinction
Type Ia Supernovae and q0
Type Ia Supernovae and Remnant Neutron Stars
Type Ia supernovae and stellar winds in AGN driven relativistic bubbles
Type Ia supernovae and stellar winds in relativistic bubbles driven by active galactic nuclei
Type Ia Supernovae and Supersoft X-ray Sources
Type Ia supernovae and the acceleration of the universe: results from the ESSENCE Supernova Survey
Type Ia supernovae and the DD scenario