Pulsations and Mass-loss in Massive Wolf - Rayet Stars: M O S T Observations of W R 123 and W R 103
Pulsations and metallicity of the pre-main sequence eclipsing spectroscopic binary RS Cha
Pulsations and orbital modulation of the intermediate polar 1WGA J1958.2+3232
Pulsations and Period Changes of the SX Phoenicis Star DY Pegasi
Pulsations and planets: the asteroseismology-extrasolar-planet connection
Pulsations and Radial Velocity Variations in Pulsating AP Stars. I. Analysis of gamma Equulei
Pulsations and stability of oblate rotating white dwarfs
Pulsations and stability of stars with phase transition
Pulsations Detected from Accreting High-Mass X-Ray Binaries at Low Luminosities
Pulsations detected in the line profile variations of red giants: Modelling of line moments, line bisector and line shape
Pulsations Grain Condensation and Mass Loss in Long-Period Variable Stars
Pulsations in Algols
Pulsations in Completely Degenerate Objects
Pulsations in eclipsing binaries
Pulsations in He-sdB stars
Pulsations in Hydrogen Burning Low Mass Helium White Dwarfs
Pulsations in Impulsive Solar Hard X-Ray Bursts.
Pulsations in M dwarf stars
Pulsations in Metal-Deficient Field Giants
Pulsations in microwave bursts from two sources during solar flares on July 11, 1991