[Fe NI Magnetic Dipole Transition Probabilities and the Problem of the Solar Iron Abundance
[Fe XI] λ7892 Emission in Seyfert Galaxies
[Fe/H] - φ 31 - Period relation for c-type RR Lyrae Variables
[Fe/H] and Lithium abundance for detached eclipsing binaries
[Fe/H] Calibration of delta Scuti Variables Using Caby Photometry
[Fe/H] derived from the light curves of RR Lyrae stars in the Galactic halo
[Fe/H] relations for c-type RR Lyrae Variables based upon Fourier Coefficients
[FeIII] Emission at the Galactic Center
[FeII] as a tracer of Supernova Rate in Near-by Starburst Galaxies
[FeII] as a tracer supernova rate
[FePAH]+ complexes and [FexPAHy]+ clusters in the interstellar medium: stability and spectroscopy
[H2CO]/[NH3] in Molecular Clouds Observed Toward Galactic and Extragalactic Radio Sources
[N II] and [O III] Mean Electron Temperatures in Planetary Nebulae
[Ne III], [Ne II] and [S III] in NGC 253
[Ne II] 12.8 Micron Images of Four Galactic Ultracompact H II Regions: Ionized Neon Abundance as a Tracer of the Ionizing Stars
[Ne II] and X-ray emission from ρ Ophiuchi young stellar objects
[Ne II] Observations of Gas Motions in Compact and Ultracompact H II Regions
[Ne V] 14.3/24.3 micron Flux Ratio as a Test of Collision Strengths
[Ne V] Emission from Optically Classified Starbursts
[Ne V] Emission in Optically Classified Starbursts