KPD0005+5106: Hottest DO White Dwarf Much Hotter Than Assumed
KPD1930+2752 - a candidate Type Ia supernova progenitor
KR Cyg Revisited: New Results from the Light Curve Analysis
KR Cygni: a near-contact eclipsing binary?
Kramers' Absorption Law in Astrophysical Problems
Kranc: a Mathematica application to generate numerical codes for tensorial evolution equations
Kratkij Otchyot Tashkentskoj Astronomicheskoj Observatorii za 1938 g
Krein space quantization in curved and flat spacetimes
Kretschmann Scalar for a Kerr-Newman Black Hole
Kristian Birkeland, The First Space Scientist
Kronos Observatory Operations Challenges in a Lean Environment
Kronos: a multiwavelength observatory for mapping accretion-driven sources
Kronos: a satellite for astrotomography
Kronos: Mapping Black Hole Environments
Kruskal Coordinates and Mass of Schwarzschild Black Holes
Kruskal coordinates as canonical variables for Schwarzschild black holes
Kruskal Dynamics For Radial Geodesics. I
KS entropy and chaos hierarchies
KS entropy of measure-preserving mappings with parabolic fixed point
Ks-band (2.14 micron) imaging of southern massive star formation regions traced by methanol masers