Jupiter - friend or foe? II: the Centaurs
Jupiter - friend or foe? III: the Oort cloud comets
Jupiter - Friend or Foe? IV: The influence of orbital eccentricity and inclination
Jupiter - Structure and composition of the upper atmosphere
Jupiter and Galilean satellites' positions obtained in April 1978 with the GPO 40 CM /f = 4 m/ of the ESO, La Silla
Jupiter and Saturn Rotation Periods
Jupiter and Super-Earth embedded in a gaseous disc
Jupiter and the boron problem
Jupiter Emission Observed Near 1 MHz
Jupiter Hot Spot Makes Trouble For Theory
Jupiter models with improved ab initio hydrogen EOS (H-REOS.2)
Jupiter radio bursts and particle acceleration
Jupiter's composition: sign of a (relatively) late formation in a chemically evolved protosolar disk
Jupiter's Decametric Rotation Period
Jupiter's Galilean Satellites
Jupiter's hydrocarbons observed with ISO-SWS: vertical profiles of C2H6 and C2H2, detection of CH3C2H
Jupiter's magnetic field as revealed by the synchrotron radiation belts. I. Comparison of a 3-D reconstruction with models of the field
Jupiter's magnetic field as revealed by the synchrotron radiation belts. II. Change of the 2-D brightness distribution with D_E
Jupiter's Magnetosphere: The Nearest Astrophysical Plasma
Jupiter's molecular hydrogen layer and the magnetic field