Journal Citations: An ADS-AAS Collaboration
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Journées scientifiques de la SFSA, La Baume-lès-Aix (France), 7 - 10 Nov 1989.
Journey through a black hole
Journey to the edge of time: The GREAT mission
Journey to the M_BH -sigma relation: the fate of low mass black holes in the Universe
Journeying the Redshift Desert
Jovian Active Longitudes and Io-Controlled Decameter Radio Emissions
Jovian atmospheres - Dynamics
Jovian Auroral Chemistry
Jovian Auroral Lyalpha Self-Reversals: A Window on Jupiter's Auroral Electrojet?
Jovian decameter emissions observed by the Wind/WAVES radioastronomy experiment
Jovian dust streams: Probes of the Io plasma torus
Jovian Early Bombardment: planetesimal erosion in the inner asteroid belt
Jovian electron propagation out of the solar equatorial plane - Pioneer 11 observations
Jovian electrons at 1 AU - 1978-1984
Jovian hectometric radiation - Beaming, source extension, and solar wind control
Jovian longitudinal asymmetry in Io-related and Europa-related auroral hot spots
Jovian longitudinal control of Io-related radio emissions
Jovian magnetospheric processes