CTQ 839: Candidate for the Smallest Projected Separation Binary Quasar
Cu and Zn in the early Galaxy
CU Comae: a new field double-mode RR Lyrae, the most metal poor discovered to date
CU Eridani — A suspected variable
Cu I resonance lines in turn-off stars of NGC 6752 and NGC 6397. Effects of granulation from CO5BOLD models
CU Tauri: A W UMa-type system with a small mass ratio
CU Virginis - The First Stellar Pulsar
Cubic anomalies in WMAP
CUBISM: CUbe Builder for IRS Spectra Maps
CUDAEASY - a GPU Accelerated Cosmological Lattice Program
cuInspiral: prototype gravitational waves detection pipeline fully coded on GPU using CUDA
Cull Lines in the Sunspot Spectrum and the Solar Isotope Ratio of Copper
CULSP: Fast Calculation of the Lomb-Scargle Periodogram Using Graphics Processing Units
Cultural heritage of astronomical observatories
Cumulant Correlators from the APM
Cumulant Correlators in 2D and 3D Scale Free Simulations
Cumulants and symmetries in a trivariate normal mixture. A qualitative study of the local velocity distribution
Cumulants as non-Gaussian qualifiers