3D-HST: A wide-field grism spectroscopic survey with the Hubble Space Telescope
3D-Kinematics of White Dwarfs from the SPY-Project
3D-Kinematics of White Dwarfs from the SPY-Project
3D-Matched-Filter Galaxy Cluster Finder I: Selection Functions and CFHTLS Deep Clusters
3D-MHD simulations of an accretion disk with star-disk boundary layer
3D-MHD simulations of the evolution of magnetic fields in FR II radio sources
3D-radiation hydro simulations of disk-planet interactions: I. Numerical algorithm and test cases
3D-simulation of the Outer Convection-zone of an A-star
3D-Spectroscopy of extragalactic planetary nebulae as diagnostic probes for galaxy evolution
3D-structure of the Canes Venatici I Cloud
3D: The next generation near-infrared imaging spectrometer.
3DEX: a code for fast spherical Fourier-Bessel decomposition of 3D surveys
3DEX: Fast Fourier-Bessel Decomposition of Spherical 3D Surveys
3EG J2016+3657: Confirming an EGRET Blazar Behind the Galactic Plane
3EG J2020+4017, the γ-Cygni source—before GLAST
3EG J2027+3429 another Blazar behind the Galactic Plane
3He in Planetary Nebulae: A Challenge to Stellar Evolution Models
3He in stars of low and intermediate mass
3He-Driven Mixing in Low-Mass Red Giants: Convective Instability in Radiative and Adiabatic Limits
3K: The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation