(n, γ) cross sections of 134Ba, 135Ba, 136Ba, and 137Ba - measurements and first results.
(n,$γ$) Cross Sections of Light p Nuclei -- Towards an Updated Database for the p Process
(No) dynamical constraints on the mass of the black hole in two ULXs
(Non)commutative isotropization in Bianchi I with Barotropic perfect fluid and $Λ$ Cosmological
(Quantum) Space-Time as a Statistical Geometry of Fuzzy Lumps and the Connection with Random Metric Spaces
(Quantum) Space-Time as a Statistical Geometry of Lumps in Random Networks
(R - I) colors of cepheids and yellow supergiants in open clusters.
(SC)RMI: A (S)emi-(C)lassical (R)elativistic (M)otion (I)integrator, to model the orbits of space probes around the Earth and other planets
(Si-29)O and (Si-30)O maser emission from evolved stars
(Si-29)O V = 1 maser emission from evolved stars - Pumping of (Si-29)O by (Si-28)O through infrared line overlaps
(Sort of) Testing relativity with extreme mass ratio inspirals
(Sub)millimetre emission from NGC 1569: an abundance of very small grains
(Sub)mm continuum mapping of NGC 6334 I & I(N). A cobweb of filaments and protostars
(Sub)mm continuum observations of NGC 6334A
(Sub)mm Interferometry Applications in Star Formation Research
(Sub-)mm interferometry in massive star-forming regions
(Super)^n-Energy for arbitrary fields and its interchange: Conserved quantities
(Teff,log g,[Fe/H]) Classification of Low-Resolution Stellar Spectra using Artificial Neural Networks
(Two) Open Questions in Stellar Nuclear Physics
(Ultra-)High Energy Muon Neutrino Propagation through the Earth and Induced Muon Energy Distribution near the One Cubic Kilometer Detector