(Erratum) The nature of the F STR λ4077 stars. III. Spectroscopy of the barium dwarfs and other CP stars.
(Erratum) The origin of the X-rays in luminous AGN.
(Erratum) The polarized spectrum of hydrogen in the presence of electric and magnetic fields
(Erratum) The ROSAT all-sky survey catalogue of optically bright OB-type stars.
(Erratum) The solar dynamo with meridional circulation.
(Erratum) The three rings of the isolated galaxy NGC 7217.
(Erratum) The ω{OMEGA} dynamo in accretion disks of rotating black holes.
(Erratum) Tracing the root of the bipolar jet in IRAS 20126+4104: VLBA observations of H2O masers
(Erratum) Wolf-Rayet stars and O-star runaways with HIPPARCOS. I. Kinematics
(Erratum) X-rays from old open clusters: M 67 and NGC 188
(Erratum) YOHKOH observations of flares with flat hard X-ray spectra.
(Extra) galactic stellar aggregates
(Fe II) 1.53 and 1.64 micron emission from pre-main-sequence stars
(Fe II) emission from high-density regions in the Orion Nebula
(H2/C-12/O)/(H2/C-13/O) ratios from molecular clouds near the galactic center
(In)finite extent of stationary perfect fluids in Newtonian theory
(In)finiteness of Spherically Symmetric Static Perfect Fluids
(Lack of) lensing constraints on cluster dark matter profiles
(Mis-)Interpreting supernovae observations in a lumpy universe
(mostly) Velocity-Dependent Evidence for Dark Matter