XMM-Newton Observations of NGC 247: X-ray Population and a Supersoft Ultraluminous X-ray Source
XMM-Newton observations of the hot spot galaxy NGC 2903
XMM-Newton observations of the low-mass X-ray binary EXO 0748-676 in quiescence
XMM-Newton Observations of Two Candidate Supernova Remnants
XMM-Newton observations of unidentified INTEGRAL/IBIS sources
XMM-Newton Observations of X-ray Pulsar Cen X-3
XMM-Newton X-ray and UV observations of the fast nova V2491 Cyg during the supersoft source phase
XMM-Newton X-ray Detection of the High Magnetic Field Radio Pulsar PSR B1916+14
XMM-Newton X-ray Observation of the High-Magnetic-Field Radio Pulsar PSR J1734--3333
XMMSL1 J060636.2-694933: An XMM-Newton Slew discovery and Swift/Magellan follow up of a new Classical Nova in the LMC
XMMU J0541.8-6659, a new supernova remnant in the Large Magellanic Cloud
XRF 100316D/SN 2010bh: clue to the diverse origin of nearby supernova-associated GRBs
XTE J1701-462 and its Implications for the Nature of Subclasses in Low-Magnetic-Field Neutron Star Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries