XMM Follow-Up Observations of Three Swift BAT-Selected Active Galactic Nuclei
XMM Observations of the Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 7590: the Nature of X-ray Absorption
XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL analysis of the Ophiuchus cluster of galaxies
XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL observations of the very faint X-ray transient IGRJ17285-2922/XTEJ1728-295 during the 2010 outburst
XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL study of the SFXT IGR J18483-0311 in quiescence: hint of a cyclotron emission feature?
XMM-Newton and Suzaku analysis of the Fe K complex in the Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 509
XMM-Newton and Suzaku detection of an X-ray emitting shell around the pulsar wind nebula G54.1+0.3
XMM-Newton and Swift observations prove GRB 090709A to be a distant, standard, long GRB
XMM-Newton confirmation of a new intermediate polar: XMMU J185330.7-012815
XMM-Newton detection of the supernova remnant G304.6+0.1 (Kes 17)
XMM-Newton discovery of a possible cyclotron emission feature from the SFXT IGR J18483-0311
XMM-Newton EPIC and OM observation of Nova Centauri 1986 (V842 Cen)
XMM-Newton Finds That SAX J1750.8-2900 May Harbor the Hottest, Most Luminous Known Neutron Star
XMM-Newton observation of PSR B2224+65 and its jet
XMM-Newton observation of the persistent Be/NS X-ray binary pulsar RX J0440.9+4431
XMM-Newton observation of the persistent Be/NS X-ray binary pulsar RX J1037.5-5647 in a low luminosity state
XMM-Newton observations of a superbubble in N 158 in the LMC
XMM-Newton observations of five INTEGRAL sources located towards the Scutum Arm
XMM-Newton observations of GX 13+1: correlation between photoionised absorption and broad line emission
XMM-Newton observations of IGRJ18410-0535: The ingestion of a clump by a supergiant fast X-ray transient