Virtual Observatory based identification of AX J194939+2631 as a new cataclysmic variable
Viscoresistive MHD Configurations of Plasma in Accretion Disks
Viscous and resistive accretion flows with radially self-similar and outflows
Viscous and Resistive Effects on the MRI with a Net Toroidal Field
Viscous damping of r-modes: Large amplitude saturation
Viscous damping of r-modes: Small amplitude instability
Viscous propagation of mass flow variability in accretion discs
Viscous timescale in high mass X-ray binaries
VLBA images of the precessing jet of LSI+61303
VLBI and Single Dish Monitoring of 3C84 in the Period of 2009-2011
VLBI constraints on the "jet-line" of Cygnus X-1
VLBI Monitoring of 3C 84 (NGC 1275) in Early Phase of the 2005 Outburst
VLBI Observations of SN 2009bb
VLBI observations of SN2011dh: imaging of the youngest radio supernova
VLBI Observations of the Nearby Type IIb Supernova 2011dh
VLT observations of Fermi pulsars
VLT observations of the two Fermi pulsars PSR J1357-6429 and PSR J1048-5832
VLT optical observations of the isolated neutron star RX J0420.0-5022
VLT/FORS2 observations of the optical counterpart of the isolated neutron star RBS 1774
VLT/NACO near-infrared observations of the transient radio magnetar 1E 1547.0-5408