New ephemeris of the ADC source 2A 1822-371: a stable orbital-period derivative over 30 years
New Equations of State in Simulations of Core-Collapse Supernovae
New estimate for the time-dependent thermal nucleosynthesis of $^{180}$Ta$^m$
New estimates of the gamma-ray line emission of the Cygnus region from INTEGRAL/SPI observations
New Evidence for a Black Hole in the Compact Binary Cygnus X-3
New Evidence for High Activity of the Super-Massive Black Hole in our Galaxy
New fast X-ray transient IGR J18462-0223 discovered by the INTEGRAL observatory
New Galactic High Mass X-ray Binaries discovered with INTEGRAL
New Global 3D MHD Simulations of Black Hole Disk Accretion and Outflows
New Insights into SNR Evolution Revealed by the Discovery of Recombining Plasmas
New insights on the accretion disk-winds connection in radio-loud AGNs from Suzaku
New insights on the duration distribution of long GRBs from Collapsars
New measurement of orbital and spin period evolution of the Accretion Disk Corona source 4U 1822-37
New Neighbours: Modelling the Growing Population of Gamma-ray Millisecond Pulsars
New observations of ULX supershells, and their implications
New Optical/UV Counterparts and the Spectral Energy Distributions of Nearby, Thermally Emitting, Isolated Neutron Stars
New photometry and astrometry of the isolated neutron star RX J0720-3125 using recent VLT/FORS observations
New results for electromagnetic quasinormal modes of black holes
New Results from an old Friend: The Crab Nebula and its Pulsar
New results with Swift on Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients