Numerical models of collisions between core-collapse supernovae and circumstellar shells
Numerical Models of Sgr A*
Numerical Recipes For Multidimensional Simulations of Stellar Explosions
Numerical relativity confronts compact neutron star binaries: a review and status report
Numerical simulations of diffusive shock acceleration in SNRs
Numerical Simulations of Driven Relativistic MHD Turbulence
Numerical Simulations of Driven Supersonic Relativistic MHD Turbulence
Numerical simulations of high Lundquist number relativistic magnetic reconnection
Numerical simulations of relativistic magnetic reconnection with Galerkin methods
Numerical solution of the radiative transfer equation: X-ray spectral formation from cylindrical accretion onto a magnetized neutron star
Numerical Studies of Relativistic Jets
Numerical Tests and Properties of Waves in Radiating Fluids